Monday, August 29, 2005

Cindy Sheehan and the GSMP

Cindy Sheehan, Celeste Zappala, and the other members of the "Gold Star Mothers for Peace" are the ones that are guilty of murder. And, they are being aided and abetted by the major media.

Murder?? How can these mothers possibly be accused of murder?, you may ask.
My answer will be as logical as these mothers' answers when they are asked why they call Pres. Bush a murderer. The mothers' response to the question is, in so many words, that he sent their sons to an illegal war causing their deaths. But, let's take another look at the situation.

Keep in mind that our military is all-volunteer, there is no draft. Simply put, these brave men asked to be in the military - whether active-duty, reserve, or national guard. All these men and women knew that, by joining, they would be subject to combat should the situation ever arise. Granted, many who joined, especially the reserves and/or NG, probably assumed that they would never have to serve in combat - but, again, they were aware of that risk.

But, more importantly, a substantial number of these men and women have enlisted or, more importantly (as was Casey's case), re-enlisted since the start of the war! These were adult men and women who knew fully what they were signing up for and they knew that the prospect of going into a combat situation was very probable. Yet, they volunteered anyway!! Such was the case of Casey Sheehan.

"Casey Sheehan enlisted in the Army in 2000 at age 20. The country was at peace. When he was asked to re-enlist four years later, he knew that he would probably be sent to Iraq. He re-enlisted anyway."

When you read the various articles about Spc. Sheehan - along with the other dead and wounded heros - the one, overriding statement made by and about them seems to be that they volunteered out of a 'Love of their country'. The next most common reason given by the military men and women themselves is a firm belief in the need for the War and the good that is being done by themselves and their fellow heros. The overwhelming majority of the military personnel believe that - by fighting in Iraq - they are defending their families, as well as yours and mine, at home. They believe that they are serving with honor in a just cause.

Can you imagine how Casey Sheehan would feel if he knew that his own mother was making a mockery of his life and his beliefs? How do think Casey would feel to hear his own mother say that he sacrificed life "for nothing" or "for oil"? I can think of no lower and no more despicable way of eugolizing the death of your own child!

But, how did Casey come to believe in the principles and values that he held? Most of us begin forming our systems of value and principles from our parents. Our parents attempt to instill in us a value system that they believe is the best way to live our lives. As we grow into adulthood, intelligent people begin to research these values (even though they may not know it at the time) and, in the end, decide how much of these values they want to apply to their own lives. But, more often than not, people's values and principles pretty much coincide with the value system of their parents.

With this point in mind, we now come to the mothers' responsibility in the "murders" of these brave young men and women, and the mothers' responsibility in the "needless" sacrifice of their children.

Isn't it logical that the values and principles held by Casey, and eventually led to his heroic death, were instilled - in a large part - by his parents (including his mother)? And, isn't it also logical that Casey evaluated and accepted those values based upon his own intelligent reasoning? So obviously, at least according to Cindy, Casey was so stupid that he could not think for himself!

And so, isn't it also logical that, by teaching Casey these values and principles, that his own mother "murdered" her son and "sacrificed" his life for "nothing"? Had Casey's mother instilled in him the "values and principles" she now espouses, would Casey not be alive today as he would now have joined the military in the first place?

I say that if Casey's death (along with deaths of the other men and women) is indeed a "murder", the "murderer" is not the President - it is the parents themselves!

What a way to "honor" the death of your child - by saying that HE was willing to sacrifice his for "nothing" and that HE was too stupid to know that! To "honor" the death of your child because he was WILLING to die so the oil companise could become richer! To "honor" your child because HE was willing to give up the most precious gift we have because HE believe that HE was doing the right thing!

Cindy, how can you sleep at night knowing YOU raised such a despicable human being - one that selfishly puts his own life on the line for his beliefs and our safety? How do live with yourself knowing that YOU raised a man that understood the greater good and had the audacity to die in order that YOU can so "honor" his death.

My pity to you Cindy in the loss of your brave son. More is my pity to your son and the rest of his family who have to listen to you "honor" him!

May my loved ones never so "honor" me!!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Judiciary - Last Bastion for the left

Since the Democrats cannot win elections, the courts have become their last option to get their laws passed! Never mind that the courts were never set up to make laws - only to interpret the Constitutionality of the laws that Congress passes.

I will admit - I am no lawyer or Constitutional "expert". I am simply a guy with some common sense and the ability to read and understand. But, I find it disconcerting that the major questions still facing the courts today are "rulings" by the courts rather than LAWS passed by any legislative body - abortion, separation of church/state, takings, etc.! Think about it, folks!!!

Take "reproductive rights" for example. No "law" was passed for the Supreme Court to interpret - no, this "ruling", as with all other "rulings" that cannot be Constitutionally interpeted, was the result of a lawsuit! This allows judges to "rule" as THEY think the Constitution should read rather than what it actually says!

Democrats tell us that they want a court that represents "main-stream" American thinking, yet, every survey or "poll" consistently show that "main-stream" American is, largely, opposed to the liberal Democratic positions. If liberal Democrats truley believed that most Americans support their position on abortions, why not put forth an amendment to the Constitution to legalize it? That way "main-stream" America could either approve or disapprove the measure. Why not?? Because the liberals KNOW that "main-stream" would never approve such an amendment therefore they must USE the court to "rule" a law or right into existence!

We are now faced with the need to appoint a new Supreme Court judge - and the fight by the lib Democrats has begun!! And, trust me folks, it is going to get vicious and down-right hatefilled. These lib Democrats, who profess to work to insure individual freedom and thought and religious prefrence, are attacking the current nominee using these very issues as means of attack!!!

Liberals tell us that a person's religion should not make a difference, they "question" whether justice nominee John Rogers can overcome his Catholic teachings against abortion should the Supreme Court revisit Roe v Wade. Call me stupid, but I take this as applying a religious standard - Catholics need NOT apply!

Liberal Democrats also profess that the courts should be non-biased (an impossible human condition), non-partisian, and not pre-judge. They will tell you that all cases before any court should be judged on the evidence and information presented to the judge(s) and the judge(s) should review, completely, all information present BEFORE making their decision. Yet, the liberal Democrats want to know NOW how Rogers will rule should the Court revist Roe v Wade at some time in the future.

So, as you watch this confirmation process play out, keep in mind that is imperative that the libs hold on to the courts as this is the ONLY way they can preserve and further their agenda.

But, also keep in mind that, in order to maintain your rights under the Constitution, it is imperative that the courts return to interpeting the Constitution rather than making law.