Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Illegal Immigration debates - "Knee-jerk Solutions"

As often happens when dicussions turn to the illegal immigration problems, the reactions are invariably "Seal the borders!". All of the proposals seem to center on this concept and the "solutions" put forth echo this - increase the Border Patrol funding and agents, support groups such as the Minute Men, install fences and walls and sensors, and other such measures. But, these are only "knee-jerk" solutions and they will not work and this is the reason that the libs and the Marxist/Socialist extreme left-wing of the Democratic party appear to support such measures. Never dare to assume that the Marxist/Socialist extreme left-wing of the Democratic party actually wants to see a positive and effective program to decrease the influx of illegals - they see these people as their upcoming power base and they don't want to negatively impact that potential source. Oh, they will "mouth" the proper phrases as this is a hot topic right now and the American public is fed up with this problem.

But, let's look at the deeper problems concerning illegal immigration!

Sealing the borders and apprehending a few illegals is the easiest and least productive solution. Yes, you will stop a few - for the moment - from entering the country and it will make people feel a little better. But, as we all know, these people will simply reenter the country illegally a short time later. Why?? Because the benefits of entering this country illegally outweigh the risks!

Under our current system, put in place by the liberals and the Marxist/Socialist extreme left-wing of the Democratic party, - these same people who are now echoing the conservative cry for tighter border control - illegal really do not suffer any punishment. Thanks to the Marxist/Socialist extreme left-wing and their "enablers" - the ACLU - these people are treated as disadvantaged CITIZENS rather than as the criminals that they are! They are given "hearings" to insure that their Constitutional rights are protected (disregard the fact that the Constitution is meant to apply only to US citizens); if an illegal woman gives birth, not only do we pay for the hospital care, the baby is automatically a US citizen (then the illegal is afforded the right to stay so as not to "break up the family"); they are given medical care and welfare; and on and on and on. And, even when an illegal is actually caught - either at the border or after having been in country illegally for a number of years - they are merely shipped by to their country of origin (at taxpayer expense, of course) with the 'severe' warning of "Don't enter the country illegally again!". Only to turn right around (usually at the origin country's airport arrival terminal!) and begin immediately plotting ways to return - illegally!!

From the Los Angeles Times, 10/30/05, highlights this situation: (added emphasis is mine)

SAN SALVADOR -- On a sweltering afternoon, an unmarked white jetliner taxies to a remote terminal at the international airport here and disgorges dozens of criminal deportees from the United States. Marshals release the handcuffed prisoners, who shuffle into a processing room.Of the 70 passengers, at least four are members of Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, a gang formed two decades ago near MacArthur Park west of the Los Angeles skyline.

For one of them, Melvin "Joker" Cruz-Mendoza, the trip is nothing new. This is his fourth deportation — the second this year.Wiry with a shaved head, the 24-year-old pleaded guilty in separate felony robbery and drug cases in Los Angeles. "MS" covers his right forearm. Other tattoos are carved into the skin above his eyebrows.In the last 12 years, U.S. immigration authorities have logged more than 50,000 deportations of immigrants with criminal records to Central America, including untold numbers of gang members like Cruz-Mendoza.But a deportation policy aimed in part at breaking up a Los Angeles street gang has backfired and helped spread it across Central America and back into other parts of the United States. Newly organized cells in El Salvador have returned to establish strongholds in metropolitan Washington, D.C., and other U.S. cities. Prisons in El Salvador have become nerve centers, authorities say, where deported leaders from Los Angeles communicate with gang cliques across the United States.,0,5805265.story?page=1&track=hpmostemailedlink

Further in the article, more information concerning Cruz-Mendoza: (again, added emphasis is mine)
Cruz-Mendoza has been riding the merry-go-round for eight years.He was a minor when he was deported in 1997 and again in 1998, federal immigration officials said.In December 2003, he was convicted of attempted robbery, after he shoved a woman into a fence while trying to steal her purse at a South Los Angeles bus stop, court records show. As he demanded money, she said, he made threatening gestures and reached into his pocket, where police found a six-inch steak knife when he was arrested shortly thereafter.In March 2004, he pleaded guilty to a second felony of drug possession, which was dismissed in a sentencing deal for the attempted robbery.After serving little more than a year in jail, Cruz-Mendoza was deported for a third time in January, records and interviews show.U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested him in Arizona a month later. At that point, he could have been charged with a felony for reentering the country after deportation, which could have landed him in federal prison for as long as 20 years.Instead, federal court records show he struck another plea deal with the U.S. attorney's office in Arizona, admitting to a "petty offense" of being in the country illegally. He was ordered to serve 90 days and pay a $10 fine, and was put on the July flight to San Salvador.

This article, in my opinion, highlights the current problems in dealing with and solving the problems of illegal immigration. To solve this problem we must, not only, look at ways to prevent the entrance of illegals - but, our overall system of dealing with them on a judicial, economic, and social level. And, again in my opinion, the solutions are quite easy if approached in a Common Sense outlook - although, admittedly, my solutions will require long-term applications.

First, illegals, both those caught at the border and those now living in the country, should be agressively pusured and apprehended - so far, agreement with the "seal the border" contigent. Once apprehended, the illegals should be immediately deported - unless they can prove that they are refugees fleeing legimate persecution in their home country (and, I will deal with this situation later in this post) - with the strict admonishment that the next apprehension will result in immediate imprisonment, at hard labor, of a minimum of five years - without benefit of pardon or parole -and, upon release, the illegal would again be immediately deported. Upon the second, and any succeding, apprehension(s), there would be no hearing, no negotiations, no appeals! Seem harsh?? Maybe so - but, remember, by entering the country in violation of our immigration laws, the illegal has already admitted his guilt; why waste taxpayer monies and court time?.

For the refugee fleeing their own country out of fear of persecution - and, I can understand that some circumstance (although only in extremely rare cases) might occur forcing this person to enter this country illegally - they would be given a hearing within sixty days and must prove, beyond doubt, an absolute for the basis of their fear. If that case is proven satisfactorily, the illegal will be given a visa but be required to obtain citizenship within five years. Should the persecution not be proven, then the person would be considered an illegal and subject to the above solution.

Next, should the illegal require medical care, it should be given only if the condition is immediately life-threatening. If the lack of medical care would result in the short-term loss of the illegal's life, then, of course, we should do everything humanly possible to save that person's life!! But, once the person's health is stabalized and they are no longer in danger, they become nothing more than the illegal that they are and subject treatment I described above!

If a pregnant female enters the country illegals and the birth is due immediately (within say a couple of weeks), yes she should be given the proper hospital care for the birth and the baby should receive the poper post-netal care. But, once the mother and child are stabilized, both are then immediately deported under the terms outlined above! And, further, the child should not be awarded automatic citizenship simply because it was born, illegally, on American soil!!

As a further proposal, illegals now living in this country should not be entitled to ANY taxpayer funded assistance - welfare, education, housing, etc. -, driving priviledges, working priviledges, and so on. The only thing an illegal should expect in the form of assistance is medical care to prevent immediate life-threatening circumstances (as pointed out above).

In other words, people, the solution to the immigration problem is to make the illegal's possible risks greater than the possible benefit. The only way to effectively control illegal immigration is to, not only, take away the incentive enter the country illegally but, also, provide an incentive to NOT attempt to enter illegally.

Now, I know that you are sitting there thinking (even if you agree with what I am saying): Well, if there were no jobs available, then the incentive for coming to this country would be greatly reduced. And, you are exactly right!! So, I would propose that employers' who knowingly employ illegals should be vigoursly pursued and prosecuted -- and, should an employer be found guilty, they should pay massive fines, serve (at minimum) three years imprisoment, and lose their license to do business. Now, don't get me wrong - I do not believe that illegal enforcement should lie solely with the employer, but, if the above proposals (no drivers' licenses, no social cards, no legimate ID would be available to illegals) were enacted and enforced, then the employers would face little burden in documenting the immigrant as "legal"; and it would also ease law enforcement in nailing the illegal employer.

I hope I have gotten you to thinking about the larger issue of illegal immigration and not just the short-sided (and largely ineffective) "solution" of simply sealing the borders. Additionally, I hope I have shown that the Democrats are only mouthing the usual 'feel good' platitudes that they are so famous for uttering. When it comes to illegal immigration, only a comphresive, exclusive plan will solve this problem.


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