Court Rules Intelligent Design is Unconstitutional
First, this case was never about the teaching of ID - and, let's be honest here folks, "intelligent design" is nothing more than a politically correct way of saying "Creationism", and, hating PC speech as I do, I will use the term Creationism - but was just the excuse the Marxist/Socialist extreme left-wingers and their dictatorial allies, the ACLU, used to get their true goal before the court and further their agenda of controlling the minds of individuals and suppress their right to think, learn, and speak freely!!
Let's start with the article appearing, among other sources, in today's (12/21/05) edition of the New York Times - note the lead of this article:
"Judge Rejects Teaching Intelligent Design" - this headline is specifically worded in this manner in an effort to influence the readers' thinking as they read the story. But, the hypocritical crack in their agenda begins to show through in the very first paragraph:
HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec. 20 - A federal judge ruled on Tuesday that it was unconstitutional for a Pennsylvania school district to present intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in high school biology courses because it is a religious viewpoint that advances "a particular version of Christianity."
Again, this paragraph is carefully worded so as to imply that the School District was attempting to "teach" the theory of Creationism. But, as I stated earlier, what the Dover Area School District did was not an attempt to teach Creationism and did even request that students even accept this theory. Nor did they, as the Marxist/Socialist extreme left-wingers would have you believe, attempt to endorse the theory of Creationism.
Here, from the text of the case, is what the Dover Area School District required their teachers to read to their ninth-grade biology classes - and, it should be noted that the teachers were required to read this only once, at the beginning of the school year.
"The Pennsylvania Academic Standards require students to learn about Darwin's Theory of Evolution and eventually to take a standardized test of which evolution is a part.
Because Darwin's Theory is a theory, it continues to be tested as new evidence is discovered. The Theory is not a fact. Gaps in the Theory exist for which there is no evidence. A theory is defined as a well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations.
Intelligent Design is a explanation of the origin of life that differs from Darwin's view. The reference book, Of Pandas and People, is available for students who might be interested in gaining an understanding of what Intelligent Desigh actually involves.
With respect to any theory, students are encouraged to keep an open mind. The school leaves the discussion of the Origins of Life to individual students and their families. As a Standards-driven district, class instruction focuses upon preparing students to achieve proficiency on Standards-based assesments."
As, you can see, the School District was not advocating the teaching of The Theory of Creationism - or, for that matter, any other theory - over or even along side of the teaching of The Theory of Evolution! The School District was merely informing the students and their parents that there were alternative theories should the students and/or their parents wish to learn about them. The School District merely stated that alternative materials were "available" should the students and/or their parents wish to learn more about these theories. The School District merely informed the students and/or their parents, truthfully, that there exist gaps in The Theory of Evolution which cannot be explained. The key point here is that the Dover Area Shcool District has never required any student to learn about The Theory of Creationism or even to accept these theories as "science"!! And, as is stated in the statement, the School District would continue to teach ONLY the Theory of Evolution!
And, keep in mind, the teachers were required to read the statement only one time in each school year, at the beginning of the school year - not at the start of each class. Further, the School District did not require the teachers to accept or believe in any particular theory. On the contrary, teachers - and students - ARE forced to accept the Theory of Evolution, whether or not the individual believes this theory! Can you be any more hypocritical??
But, let's look deeper into the implications of this ruling. This ruling is nothing more than the suppression of free thinking and learning. In short, this ruling supports indoctrination!!
I was taught that education is basically the teaching of the ability to learn. By that, I mean, education and the schools should teach their students how to learn and the basics of education - math, science, language, etc. - is merely a tool to achieve that end. In my opinion, an educated person is one who learns the how's and why's of questions. The educated person studies a question even though the information he learns may contridict his previous "beliefs". But, today's educational system, for the most part, no longer asks their students to learn but only to accept, without question. In today's educational system, students are required to study only that information that supports the beliefs of the educator. If students or educators dare study something might prove to contridict the currently held "beliefs", they are vilified.
This is why the Marxist/Socialist extreme left-wingers are so terrified of the study of Creationism - they realize that if Creationism were truly studied and the same "scientific" standards they demand of Creationism were applied to Evolution, their arguments would be seen as the hypocrisy that it is and their "facts" might be debunked as nothing more than a "belief"! They realize they cannot debate this position (or any other position, for that matter) on an intellectual basis, so they have to deflect and distract by claiming that the Theory of Creationism is nothing more than the preaching of religion - never mind that the Theory of Evolution is nothing more than the preaching of secularism. And, they decry that Creationism violates the "seperation of church and state" thereby making it unconstitutional. (I will deal with this absurdity in a later post) Of course, in the case presented above, this is nothing more than a dodge!
As I stated above, according to the text of the case, the School District never intended to teach Creationism. The School District never endorsed Creationism. The School District never endorsed religion or any particular religious doctrine. No, the School District merely stated that there were others out there that had alternative views and stated that these other views were available if the individual student wanted to pursue them. But, the Marxist/Socialist extreme left-wingers can't abide any educational system that would offer a student the opportunity to learn and, therefore, make their own decision based on what they learned through careful study! No, they demand that the students accept, without question and without study, what they - in their elitism - deem is acceptable!! So, they distract from the true basis of their opposition by trying to make you believe the School District's statement was intended to teach religion as science and, even worse, that it was trying to teach Christian religious principle.
In making his ruling, Judge Jones justified his ruling by stating that Creationism (ID) "was a religious viewpoint that advances "a particular version of Christianity." "This statement alone highlights the biasness and prejudicial nature of this ruling. To my knowledge, every known, recognized religion believes in Creation by a divine source - not just Christian religions! These varying religions may use a different word for that diety but the concept is the same.
So, this ruling is not just an assault on religion in general - and Christianity in perticular - as the Marxist/Socialist extreme left-wing would have you believe. This is merely the lesser of the assaults. The more serious and threatening danger is their assault on free will, free speech, and free thinking. This ruling is an assault on students' ability to learn!
In short, this ruling is nothing more than a judicial approval of INDOCTRINATION!!!!!